Posts Tagged ‘firts dental visits’

Don’t Pass This On!!!

June 4, 2014

“She has her father’s gorgeous eyes!”

“He sings beautifully, just like his mother.”

“He’s so smart – must have gotten that from his Dad!” “Just like her Mom – a natural athlete!”

We love to brag about our children, and it gives us extra pleasure when we think they inherited their positive traits from us! But how about when they get something from us that might not be so good?

According to a recent study performed at Rey Juan Carolos University of Madrid, fear of the dentist may be associated with a similar fear in their parents – especially the father!

“Children seem to mainly pay attention to the emotional reactions of the fathers when deciding if situations at the dentist are potentially stressful,” said study co-author Professor America Lara-Sacido. They went on to discuss that dental fear by either parent can set up their children for a lifetime of difficulty at the dentist.

At Malenius Dental, it is our goal to take dental fear out of the equation and make your dental visit as easy as possible. Our modern techniques and caring approach will provide you with the most pleasant dental experience imaginable. And if you have any worries at all, please feel free to discuss them with us.

Here are some tips from The American Dental Association on making your young child’s dental visit as easy as possible:

 ü Consider making a morning appointment when children tend to be rested and’ cooperative.

ü Keep any anxiety or concerns you have to yourself. Children can pick up on your

Emotions, so emphasize the positive.

  ü Never use a dental visit as a punishment or threat.

  ü Never bribe your child.

ü Talk with your child about visiting the dentist.

And remember – if your child is anxious about a dental visit, it may be because of you!! Please come in and discuss any dental issues you may be having, and we will show you how modern dentistry is more comfortable than ever – and maybe even fun!

To make an appointment for any member of the family or to discuss your dental needs, please call us today at 630-668-6180. At Malenius Dental Care, your comfort is our primary concern!

When Should Kids Have Their First Dental Visit?

March 30, 2010

Two of the most frequently asked questions at Dr. Robert Malenius and Associates are:

“Do you see children here?” and of course the answer to this is an enthusiastic “YES! We love kids!”

The second question is “When should I schedule my child’s first dental visit?”   We agree with the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry,  which states that a child should be seen either as soon as their first tooth comes in or by their first birthday.

Many times a child’s first dental visit involves just a quick peed at their teeth, wiping the teeth and gums with a piece of gauze and giving them a ride up and down in the dental chair.  We let them spray some air and water, tell them how good they are and how much fun it is to see the dentist.  This positive reinforcement may be the most important part of the visit!

Studies have shown that many people avoid seeing the dentist purely out of fear-and we want to make sure that for the nest generation that is a thing of the past.  With so many modern ways to make dentistry more comfortable , there simply is no reason to be afraid!  But unfortunately, television shows and movies continue to depict things in a negative light.  In our Wheaton dental offices, it is our goal to let children (and adults) know that dental health is a comfortable, important, and even fun part of our overall well being.

Here are a few more easy and important tips to pass along to those with infants or older children:

  • Never nurse a baby to sleep or allow them to go to sleep with a bottle.  This can cause a very harmful and serious form of cavities.  If a baby must go to sleep with a bottle,  only water should be used.
  • Use a small-headed soft bristle toothbrush with a small amount of fluoridated toothpaste to clean your child’s teeth.  Do it twice a day, and always before bedtime.
  • Even though they will be lost, “baby teeth” are very important.  Not only do they help children to speak and chew,  they also set a straight path for the permanent teeth to erupt.  If they are lost prematurely, the adult teeth can be compromised.
  • Sealants are a fast, easy, and effective way to prevent cavities.  Be sure to ask us if your child is ready for them

At  Dr. Robert Malenius and Associates, we strive to provide the best and most comfortable treatment possible for patients of all ages.  Should you have any questions about your children’s dental care – or anything else – feel free to give us a call at 1-630-668-6180 or visit our web site at or facebook at Malenius Dental | Wheaton